GitHub - Eniere/idhud: Improved default HUD for Team These are generally agreed upon to be some of the best, however it's up to you to decide which one suits you best and gives you that slight edge over everyone else.

Improved default HUD development is complete 3.9 MaThis is not a custom HUD in its usual meaning, but some fixes for standard Team Fortress 2 UI, adding HP numbers on target IDs, reworked Medic UI, popular custom crosshairs, and more. NOTE: Use Notepad++ to edit the HUD files also you need to. I do it for myself, but maybe someone will find it useful too.

If the player runs out of health or oxygen, they die and lose all of the items in their inventory. The empty battery can be replaced with a new one using the R key to select a replacement from the players held batteries. The Seaglide consumes energy when used, and as with all other vehicles, it’s rendered unusable once its energy reserve is depleted. What happens when Seaglide runs out of power? The Reaper Leviathan is also capable of using their mandibles to grab onto the Seamoth and Prawn Suit, crushing it in their grip and dealing massive damage to it, sometimes up to 60%….Subnautica. The Seamoth’s power cell is accessible in the lower rear of the craft. To recharge your Seamoth, either dock it in a Moonpool, which you’ll need to scan fragments for and then build, or replace the depleted power cell with a charged one.