Its the perfect time to look back at the best mods the Saints Row series has had, starting with a Saints Row 2 megamod. The mod has been carefully balanced to be used by either a newcomer or a veteran to the series, and offers 100 new clothing items with 120 new logos, improved weather including a darker nighttime and more vibrant colors in daytime, plane and boat mechanics for customizing, additional missions, new vehicle dealerships, new weapons, new cribs, new homies and gang styles, new taunts and compliments, new walking styles, 100 new ambient music tracks for purchase, more car paints, more skin colors, tattoos, makeup, optional 360PS3 onscreen controller prompts, new cheat codes including NPC morphs, and tons of tweaks and bug fixes. Saints Row 3 Mods PS3 Onscreen Controller If you want full customization, youll have to play the PC If you zoom way up its pretty obvious, but from the typical 5 foot rule theyre fairly convincing. On the PC version you can install all sorts of mods to create nude characters and such, but is there anything you can do on the console versions that is similar.

Saints Row 3 Mods Ps3 By hilquaconde1973 Follow | Public